Maglehøj Strand
Here you can park your motorhome and stay overnight.
However, camping is not allowed.

A maximum of 5 motorhomes are allowed on the site between 20:00 and 08:00, if booked and paid for.
There is no electricity or the possibility to empty the toilet.
It costs DKK 100,- per night and you can park for a maximum of one night.

Please write your name + licence plate number in the “Name” field when booking.

Billede autocamper

Rules for parking with a motorhome:

  • Parking between 20.00 – 08.00 requires booking and payment.
  • There is room for 5 motorhomes in the car park during this time.
  • It is not permitted to empty the toilet tank in the public toilet.
  • Waste must be placed in the rubbish bins provided.
  • You can expect a courtesy visit from the site manager.
  • Please write your name + licence plate number in the “Name” field when booking.

This area is owned by Lolland Municipality and is supervised by Lejerforeningen Maglehøj.