This shelter is not available for booking, but can be freely used by everyone.

Sugar baiting moths

Moth collage – Photo Leif H. Sørensen

Visiting the shelter “Gyveltorp” gives you the opportunity to try sugar baiting moths.

In the box sitting on the side of the shelters, you’ll find all the equipment needed for you to try this activity. Moths, ‘Jewels of the Night”, often surprise with their beautiful colours and markings and are so much more than those irritating bugs gathering around your lamps at night.

Moths are attracted by light, but also by odours and in the box you’ll find rope submerged in a delicious (for moths, at least) concoction of red wine, sugar and other tasty/smelly ingredients.  Hang up the ropes and later take a walk, bringing a torch with you, and you’ll find a world full of new shapes and colours.

In the box, you’ll also find a folder with instructions, which days are best for sugar baiting, and a brief overview of different groups of butterflies.

Do bring your camera and send us some good shots so that we can all learn more about what’s to be found flying around in the woods around Trente Mølle.

We hope you’ll have lots of fun baiting moths.

Trente Mølle

If you would like to try this at home you can download a couple of good recipes and tricks here: Sukkerlokning